月間特集 9月編
#大高正希, #益子焼, #谷中, #谷中銀座, #よみせ通り商店街, #谷中和楽や, #和の器, #陶器, #焼き物
Masaki Otaka’s monthly special exhibition
Masaki Otaka is a potter from Mashiko, Tochigi prefecture.
He is making black and white based his original designed tableware at his studio surrounded by an abundant nature environment.
Mashiko is one of the foremost pottery industrial region in Japan. Otaka has been creating not only user-friently but also well-designed tableware by using his skillful and knowledgeable arts that accumulated based on his experiences as a potter.
We will hold this exhibition until 28th of this month every day except Tuesday and Wednesday.
Our shop hour is from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and a holiday is Tuesday and Wednesday.
For protecting the Covid-19, we have a hand sanitizer and use an air conditioner to keep good hygiene in our shop. We would like you to wear your mask when you are in our shop.
We are looking forward to serving you in the future.
#Masakiotaka, #mashikoware, #yanaka, #yanakaginza, #yomisedori, #yanakawarakuya, #japanesepottery, #ceramics, #pottery